Aaron White, CFA Member


Aaron was a longtime podcast listener whose passion to discuss movies in a positive way became realized in the creation of Feelin’ Film alongside his childhood best friend in 2016. With so much negativity in both film criticism and fandom, the collective dislike of a movie tends to ring louder than those praising it. His hope is that by shining a light on the emotional impact of all films discussed, Feelin’ Film can begin to shape the viewing habits of listeners and encourage them to focus on the best a movie has to offer instead of latching on to what they didn’t like.

He is currently an accredited film critic and member of the Seattle Film Critics Society living in Seattle, WA. Though the majority of his free time is invested in Feelin’ Film, he also enjoys watching and discussing sports, playing games, hiking, and being obsessed with his Boston Terrier puppy. He thoroughly enjoys conversation about all of these things and is active on Twitter, Facebook, and Letterboxd, as well as the Feelin’ Film Facebook Discussion Group.





Feelin’ Film:

Seattle Film Critics Society Website

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