Joel D. Amos has been writing reviews since he walked out of Almost Famous in 2000. His wife said, “that kid reminded me of you.” I said, “That kid WAS me.” She encouraged me to write a review. I did. Took it to my local San Diego newspaper and not only did they publish it, but they also hired me. Since then, I’ve gone on to write for daily newspapers, and monthly magazines and then made the change to online by founding the Entertainment Section of and growing it to millions of hits a month. I flew all over the world interviewing the biggest stars on the planet and attending premieres in locales as awesome as Rio. Then, I left SheKnows, looking to report on just film, and helped take to new heights. Sadly, then in 2015, I had an aortic dissection that only 10-percent survive. Clearly, I was one. It was then that I took a step back and decided to start my own site and be my own boss. So, I established in 2015 and have been writing thousands of reviews since. I am a founding member of the Hollywood Critics Association and continue to interview review, and have now branched out into television shows such as Ozark and others.
My favorite film is Goodfellas, and then my top 10, is actually a top 100 tie because it’s too hard to choose between Casablanca, Jurassic Park, Empire Strikes Back, and Amadeus and others.
Website: The Movie Mensch – Your Hollywood Authority
Social Media: Twitter